Education & Experience

Winston has been a personal trainer for over 6 years and has been pursuing his own fitness goals for over 10. He has trained people from ages 10 to 90 with a large variety of goals and aspirations. Winston is currently attending The Ohio State University with a pursuit on being a physical therapist.


Winston trains people for weight loss, strength, injury recovery, athletic performance, and more. His favorite accomplishments include coaching a client through losing over 100 lbs, turning young teens into varsity athletes, and helping people recover from past injuries to emerge stronger than they were before.

Get to know Winston

Q: What has been the most important part of getting to where you are now as a fitness professional?

A: The most important part of getting to where I am now is the joy I feel when I can see my clients happily pursuing a healthy lifestyle and successfully hitting their goals. Knowing that I am impacting my clients lives and those around them is deeply satisfying for me and it fuels me to be the best coach I can be for my clients.


Q: How do you spend your time when you aren’t at the gym?

A: When I’m not at the gym you will catch me playing video games, watching tv, or hanging out with family and friends.


Q: What three things do you think about most often in a single day?

A: Three things that I think about most often in a day are work, family, and food!